Solidarity initiatives
The destination of Castellet and all their employees are involved each year with several associations in organizing and implementing various solidarity initiatives:
- Organizing the Christmas lunch with the association "Les bouffons de la cuisine" for around a hundred guests in 2017
- Participation in the 2018 gala evening of the “ADAPEI” in the Var
- The caps from plastic water bottles are given to the association "Bouchons d'amour" to be recycled into medical equipment
- Cocktails proposed during International Women's Day to collect donations for the “SYLKA Beauté Solidaire” association
And many more...
Commitment to Gender Parity
Our professional gender equality index for the year 2025 is 83/100. Our objectives for improvement are as follows:
Indicator 1: Ensure equal pay between men and women for equal working time and equal job value.
Indicator 3: Achieve 100% of female employees receiving a salary increase within the year following their return from maternity leave.